Services & Programmes
Social Work Services
Service Features
Service Teams
Love and Fun
School Social Work
Services Team
Budding in Love
School Social Work
Services Team
Growing in Love
School Social Work
Services Team
Service Features
Composed of professional experts including educational psychologists, speech therapists and occupational therapists, our multi-disciplinary team fully supports the school social work services and provides proper assistance.
Our school social work service team leverages game therapy as a guidance tool, fostering children’s adaptation to and engagement in school life. Game therapy not only serves as a means for treating mental health issues, but also enhances children’s social and learning capabilities.
Scope of Services
- School adaptation: New students and primary one adaptation classes
- Mental development: Enhancement of children’s capabilities for understanding emotions, expressing emotions, boosting self-confidence and enduring hardships
- Social development: Peer communications and interactions
- Personality development: Development of virtues and sex education
- Learning needs: Early identifications and referrals, enhancement of learning motivations and concentrations
- Parent education techniques: Understanding the needs of children’s growth and development, parenting skills, and fostering parent-child communications and relationships
- Mental health: Stress handling, early identifications and referrals
- Parental support networks: Parent mutual aid groups and parent volunteer teams
- Parental support, community resources consultations and referrals: Issues related to finance, housing and careers, among others
- Training programmes for teachers
- Workshops for stress reduction
- Workshops for understanding and handling children’s emotions
- Workshops for parental communications and establishing collaborations
- Workshops for early identifications and referrals of suspected child abuse cases or families in crisis