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Child Safeguarding

About “Child Safeguarding Policy”

Established in 1926, the Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children (HKSPC) has committed to advocating the wellbeing of early childhood by offering care and education services. We work to create a world where every child has access to holistic care and support that promotes their early development and happy childhood.

According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, children's rights are grouped into four categories: rights to survival, development, protection and participation. All children shall have the rights to be protected from any form of physical and mental violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Safeguarding children is a shared responsibility, allowing children to be fully protected in any environment, so they can grow up safely, healthily, and happily.

The society is dedicated to providing a caring and loving environment for our children, and thus has developed the “Child Safeguarding Policy”. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that:

  1. all staff who work for and engage with us are skilled, confident and have the necessary support to meet their responsibilities in safeguarding children from violence and engaging positively with them in ways that enhance the achievement of our mission;
  2. children and their parents or guardians we work with are aware of our responsibilities to prevent and respond to any harm against them arising from actions and behaviours of our staff and related third parties within our premises, and the channels for reporting such incidents.

This policy applies not only to all HKSPC staff, advisors, members of Executive Committee and its Committees, but also the related third parties. The related third parties include HKSPC’s working partners, contractors, suppliers, volunteers, and tutors, etc.

Four areas of “Child Safeguarding Policy”

The Society adopts a child-centered approach to ensure the safety of all children. To provide comprehensive protection for children, the policy mainly covers four areas:

  • Raising Awareness and Training
    • Ensure that all employees, representatives of the Society, or relevant third parties understand the policy and procedural requirements of the child safeguarding
    • Require all relevant parties to sign a commitment to comply with the “Child Safeguarding Policy” 
    • The policy specifies a “Code of Practice” that lists the good practices and prohibited practices, so that everyone clearly knows the standards of behavior
    • Providing regular training to staff members who handle or in contact with children
  • Strengthening Prevention
    • Ensure that all facilities within each service unit's environment are safe and suitable for children's use
    • All new employees must undergo a Sexual Conviction Record Check by the Hong Kong Police Force
    • Strengthen education for children and parents, including child safety, sex education, child safeguarding and relevant legislation in Hong Kong
    • Establish a Child Safeguarding Hotline: 2691 0188
  • Reporting Procedure
    • Anyone who witnesses, becomes aware of, or suspects child abuse or harm, or inadequate protective measures, should immediately notify the Society's staff, department heads, or Child Safeguarding Focal Point.
    • Encourage employees and relevant third parties to report suspected improper behaviors, misconduct, or violations within the Society confidentially.
  • Responding Procedure
    • The Policy lists the reporting and handling procedures for suspected child abuse or harm cases in detail; If necessary, the Society will contact the relevant statutory bodies to follow up on cases.
    • Strictly deal with any violation of this policy and take disciplinary action, including terminating employment contracts, or taking any feasible corrective measures against relevant third parties.


“Code of Practice” of the “Child Safeguarding Policy”


  • Good Practice
    • Communicate with children in a transparent way and accountable manner
    • Treat all children equally and with respect and dignity
    • Respect children’s right to privacy and confidentiality
    • Maintain appropriate boundaries and relationships with them
    • Use supportive language and tone
    • Physical touch should be age- appropriate and only with the necessary amount for caring,
    • training, safety or medical needs
    • Ensure the surrounding environment is appropriate and safe for children’s activities
    • Ensure security settings of the chosen platform for virtual activities are set at private and invite-only
    • Correct the inappropriate behaviours of children and take necessary and immediate actions if there is potential safety risk
    • Create and maintain an open culture. Teach children what they can do when they encounter problems or difficulties
  • Prohibited Practice
    • Interact with children in an overfamiliar way on matters irrelevant to one’s work or duties
    • Discriminate against children’s gender, race, ability and sexual identity
    • Engage in unnecessary physical contact with children
    • Assign inappropriate activities to children. Require injured or unwell children to participate
    • Leave children unattended at activity venue
    • Humiliate or intimidate children
    • Hit, assault or physically discipline children in abusive ways
    • Be under the influence of alcohol and drugs
    • Allow children to use inappropriate language or bully others
    • Fail to record and act upon allegations of abuse made by a child

Download “Child Safeguarding Policy” Web Version

If you have any questions, please contact:
Child Safeguarding Hotline/WhatsApp: 2691 0188