團隊成員 Group Members
周家輝、陳玥靈 、湯澔謙、吳希晴、譚祤晴、陳若涵、吳嘉昊、余凱晴
Chau Ka Fai, Chen Yueling, Tong Ho Him, Ng Hei Ching, Tan Yu Ching, Chen Ruohan, Wu Jiahao, Yu Hoi Ching
年齡 Age
團隊介紹 Introduction
8 children connected everyone’s water pipes and put marbles into them. By watching the flow of marbles, they learned the key to balance, sparking their incentive to explore and imagine. They painted the pipes with colors, turning the balance game into art and creating happy memories.
「玩」對您來說意味著什麼? What does "PLAY" mean to you?
Play can provide children with positive energy. They love to explore new things and communicate with others through play, helping them build good relationships.