Subsidy Programme
Background and Objective
The Social Welfare Department has regularised the “Training Subsidy for Children on the Waiting List of Subvented Pre-school Rehabilitation Services” from October 2014 so that children from low-income families can receive timely rehabilitation services from self-financing services run by Recognised Service Providers to facilitate their learning and development. To further enhance the support for children on the waiting list for Special Child Care Centres (including Residential Special Child Care Centres), these children can receive non-means-tested training subsidy with effect from 1 October 2017.
Target Beneficiaries
A beneficiary shall meet ALL of the following criteria:
- The applicant child must be under the age of 6 years and is on the waiting list for subvented pre-school rehabilitation service under Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services
- The applicant child is not attending any subvented pre-school rehabilitation services, including “On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services” transitional service or “Early Education and Training Centre” transitional service; and
- The monthly household income does not exceed 75% of the Median Monthly Domestic Household Income applicable to the applicant’s household size at the time of application. (This criteria only applies to those on the waiting list of the Early Education and Training Centre, Integrated Programme for Disabled Children in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre or On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services)
Application Procedures
SWD will issue letters to parent(s)/guardian(s) of children on the waiting list for subvented pre-school rehabilitation services to invite their application for TSP.
Means Test
For families whose child is waitlisting for Early Education and Training Centre, Integrated Programme for Disabled Children in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre (or On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services, means test will be conducted by SWD to assess the applicant's household income to determine his/her eligibility.
Please refer to the SWD’s website for details.