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Gloria Lau, Child Safeguarding Consultant: Joining hands to keep children safe

本頁圖片/檔案 - 01

Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility. According to Chapter 13 of “Protecting Children from Maltreatment – Procedural Guide for Multi-disciplinary Co-operation” published by the Social Welfare Department in April 2020, organisations should formulate child protection policies and measures, and provide staff with relevant training.

As an organisation with over 95 years of history, HKSPC has an unshaken commitment to child protection, one that has not wavered despite various challenges and difficulties emerged over the years. We have newly established a Child Safeguarding Department before the commencement of the school year in 2022. With the leadership of Ms Subrina Chow, the Society’s Director, and the guidance of Dr Leo Chan, Executive Committee member and Paediatrician, I will join hands with colleagues to take a further step for the organisation’s mission of child protection.

The Child Safeguarding Department has already initiated its work in three levels – policies, staff training and parent education. On policy level, we are currently preparing related documents with the target to set out clear policies and procedures, which comprise the mechanism of reporting and complaining. On staff training, we are on track with the schedule to train all our staff members for knowledge of child protection, so as to enhance their awareness to “put children’s welfare first” and confidence in handling related cases. As for parents, we will maintain communication with them about the organisation’s progress on policy implementation. We will also promote the message of child safeguarding and educate parents about their important role and responsibility in their children’s growth and development.

Let us work together to help children grow up healthy and happy!

Gloria Lau, Child Safeguarding Consultant
Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children