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《童心.家Fun》Vol.4 大自然教育 現已出版
談到「大自然教育」,大家是否會想起生物學科?認識動物和植物、認識天文氣象⋯⋯等等。事實上,「大自然教育」不止是學習有關大自然的理論知識,小朋友可以親身走進大自然,透過觀察和體會身邊的各種事物和現象,主動思考和探究,從而認識世界。例如綠色和黃色的葉子有什麼不同?綠色的在樹上,黃色的在地上,摸起來質感不一樣,為什麼呢? 「環境」是小朋友在家庭和學校以外的第三位老師,為孩子締造不同的生活經驗,例如食物、天氣、季節、水土等,都能啟發孩子去探索。孩子多留意身邊的人事物及周遭環境的變化,不單可以學習知識,更可以嘗試運用不同的工具和技能,提升解難和自我管理的能力。孩子亦可以從中培養待人處事的正面態度及價值觀,學會欣賞、珍惜和感恩。 今期我們邀請到多個界別的資深人士,帶領大家從不同角度了解大自然教育對小朋友成長的重要性。各位家長從今天起,多點與孩子一起擁抱大自然,鼓勵他們從豐富的生活經驗中學習吧!   按此閱讀《童心.家Fun》Vol.4 大自然教育     關於《童心.家Fun》 於2023年5月份創刊,以向家長及公眾分享本會累積多年的專業育兒知識為宗旨。雜誌每期主要收錄數篇幼兒照顧、幼兒教育、家庭服務等界別之專業人士的撰文,對於公眾的育兒知識有所增益。每期雜誌於各地點免費向公眾派發,派發地點包括本會屬下單位、私人診所、健康中心、各大母嬰健康院等。雜誌亦可從各大院校圖書館或公共圖書館借閱。
圖二: 香港保護兒童會大型遊戲日Mega Play Date 2024 「玩出快樂童年」執行委員會、籌款委員會、管理層及一衆表演學生合照。 (1)
大型遊戲日Mega Play Date 2024 「玩出快樂童年」
本會一直致力促進幼兒福祉,以成就更和諧幸福的社會。為了讓兒童能盡情自由遊戲,留下更多愉快回憶,保會疫情後首次舉辦大型遊戲日Mega Play Date 2024,今天的活動吸引逾二千名兒童及家長參與。   今次遊戲日的主題是「玩出快樂童年」,透過超過30個親子工作坊和攤位遊戲,例如親子共讀、幼兒運動、充氣彈床、面部彩繪、圖工製作和家長按摩,涵蓋語言、藝術、運動、音樂及感知探索等範疇,讓孩子盡情玩樂,亦鼓勵家庭成員之間互動合作,加強彼此溝通及增進親子關係。   大會邀得油尖旺民政事務專員余健強太平紳士、油尖旺區議會議員李思敏,以及油尖旺區議會議員李家軒,聯同本會執行委員會主席李永誠先生和總幹事周舜宜女士擔任開幕典禮主禮嘉賓,為Mega Play Date揭開序幕。   香港保護兒童會執行委員會主席李永誠先生表示:「保會的使命是為兒童和家庭提供全面照顧和支援,促進幼兒福祉和發展。我們深信兒童有幸福快樂的童年,對他們的長遠發展尤其重要,是整個社會幸福的基礎。今日舉行的大型遊戲日旨在為兒童及家長提供一個可以一起遊玩,增進彼此交流的機會,因爲幸福快樂的童年始於良好的親子關係。」   保會亦趁著今天的活動,向公衆展示過去一年品牌重塑工作的成果。揮別使用了近百年背著小孩、穿木屐的女孩,為新面貌揭幕:一個充滿色彩的笑臉漣漪。李永誠先生說:「新標誌設計的靈感源自在水面向外蕩開的一圈圈漣漪。歡欣的笑臉體現本會讓每個孩子都得到快樂童年的承諾,把兒童福祉放在首位,確保每一個孩子都得到愛與關懷。」   新品牌短語 ──「快樂童年眾幸福」,強調兒童與社會密不可分的關係,因爲社會是由人和家庭組成,而快樂童年是幸福人生的基石。當兒童擁有快樂童年,這份幸福感能促使他們長大後回饋社會,用生命影響生命。   是次品牌重塑計劃反映保會與時並進的精神,持續進步以適應瞬息萬變的社會步伐。保會將繼續與政府和社會各界包括關愛隊、地區組織等緊密合作,一同實踐本會倡導幼兒福祉的使命。
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“Child Safeguarding Support Line” helps parents, employees and the general public in Hong Kong to solve problems
Since HKSPC established the “Child Safeguarding Support Line” around a year ago, the calls received were not only related to the association’s stakeholders but also to the entire Hong Kong public. Gloria Lau, our “Child Safeguarding Consultant”, shared the following impressive calls for help: 1) Divorced mother feared that her children would be abused A middle-aged divorced lady has called the hotline many times. Due to financial concerns, the custody of three children was awarded to her ex-husband. Her ex-husband married another woman, so her three children now lived with the stepmother. However, the lady suspected that the stepmother had neglected or abused her children. The eldest child had cried to the lady and even stayed at her home temporarily. The lady worried a lot and didn’t know how to help the children, so she called our hotline for help. The woman who asked for help was very emotional, so the Consultant taught her some skills to calm herself down and communicate with others. The Consultant listened patiently and referred her to relevant resources. 2) Abortion consultation for woman of advanced maternal age A woman of advanced maternal age called and consulted for her unexpected pregnancy. She worried that her family’s resources would not be able to afford and support the birth of a child, therefore she was considering an abortion. Yet, Life was not easy to come by and her husband wanted to give birth to a child. The woman wondered whether she needed to have an abortion or not. She wanted to consult someone before deciding, so she called our hotline. The consultant introduced the Day Crèches​ services of our association and other similar services in Hong Kong and comforted her that the problem could always be solved. The above help-seekers were not stakeholders of the association. They simply wanted to find help and searched on the internet, then found our hotline. In the spirit of protecting all children in Hong Kong, our consultant also listened carefully and made referrals with empathy. “I would not make direct suggestions for callers but provide relevant information and resources. I believe it is important to provide hope and listening when people are in desperate situations. ” Gloria said. The hotline has also received calls related to our association, sometimes colleagues will call to make suggestions on how to improve the services. “The colleagues’ willingness to call proves that they trust this hotline, and it is a channel for them to express opinions.” Gloria said. Besides the hotline, the “Child Safeguarding Department” also conducted many internal and external trainings to introduce child safeguarding policies and mandatory reporting mechanisms in the form of interactive workshops. HKSPC has trained more than 700 internal staff and has also cooperated with The Education University of Hong Kong to train students in Early Childhood Education, to enhance the awareness of child protection in the Association and even in Hong Kong.   Welcome to call the ” Child Safeguarding Support Line” / WhatsApp: 2691 0188 SERVICE HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00AM – 1:00PM; 2:00PM – 5:00PM