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《童心.家Fun》Vol.4 大自然教育 現已出版
談到「大自然教育」,大家是否會想起生物學科?認識動物和植物、認識天文氣象⋯⋯等等。事實上,「大自然教育」不止是學習有關大自然的理論知識,小朋友可以親身走進大自然,透過觀察和體會身邊的各種事物和現象,主動思考和探究,從而認識世界。例如綠色和黃色的葉子有什麼不同?綠色的在樹上,黃色的在地上,摸起來質感不一樣,為什麼呢? 「環境」是小朋友在家庭和學校以外的第三位老師,為孩子締造不同的生活經驗,例如食物、天氣、季節、水土等,都能啟發孩子去探索。孩子多留意身邊的人事物及周遭環境的變化,不單可以學習知識,更可以嘗試運用不同的工具和技能,提升解難和自我管理的能力。孩子亦可以從中培養待人處事的正面態度及價值觀,學會欣賞、珍惜和感恩。 今期我們邀請到多個界別的資深人士,帶領大家從不同角度了解大自然教育對小朋友成長的重要性。各位家長從今天起,多點與孩子一起擁抱大自然,鼓勵他們從豐富的生活經驗中學習吧!   按此閱讀《童心.家Fun》Vol.4 大自然教育     關於《童心.家Fun》 於2023年5月份創刊,以向家長及公眾分享本會累積多年的專業育兒知識為宗旨。雜誌每期主要收錄數篇幼兒照顧、幼兒教育、家庭服務等界別之專業人士的撰文,對於公眾的育兒知識有所增益。每期雜誌於各地點免費向公眾派發,派發地點包括本會屬下單位、私人診所、健康中心、各大母嬰健康院等。雜誌亦可從各大院校圖書館或公共圖書館借閱。
女性生育第二胎意願 問卷調查結果發佈會
近七成母親不會或猶豫生育第二胎   加強支援雙職家長育兒刻不容緩   (香港,2024年8月27日)政府近年鼓勵生育,以組合拳的方式推行一系列鼓勵生育措施,希望為社會締造更有利的育兒和家庭友善環境。香港保護兒童會(下稱「本會」)於2024年5月14日至6月7日期間進行了女性生育第二胎意願網上問卷調查,目的是探討本港已生育婦女的再生育意願以及她們對政府及職場支援育兒措施的訴求。是項調查的目標對象為本港18歲至45歲、已生育一胎的婦女,合共收集了1,264份有效回應。   主要調查結果   (一)接近七成受訪者不會或未決定是否生第二胎:33.9%受訪者表示不會考慮再多生一個孩子;34.9%受訪者則未決定/未想好會否多生一個孩子;只有31.2%受訪者考慮再多生一個孩子。 (二)教顧壓力和社會支援配套不足,窒礙生育意欲:調查發現婦女不會或者猶豫是否生第二胎的主要原因,依次為 1. 經濟壓力重 2. 教育及管教壓力重 3. 居住環境太細 4. 工作時間過長,難以兼顧工作和育兒5. 日間幼兒照顧服務不足。 (三)家庭友善、醫療與日間託兒服務並行,共同支援育兒:受訪者認為最能提高生育意欲的政府措施是 1. 提供育嬰假及家長假 2. 延長及落實全薪侍產假和產假 3. 設立兒童醫療券 4. 增加子女免稅額 5. 設立奶粉津貼 6. 增加日間幼兒照顧服務名額。受訪者認為最能幫助在職家長育兒的家庭友善僱傭措施分別為1. 彈性工作時間 2.容許員工居家或遙距辦公 3. 增加有子女的員工的年假日數 4. 給予員工及其家人醫療保障 5. 提供託兒服務。   香港保護兒童會總幹事周舜宜表示:「綜觀調查結果,政府應儘早擴充日間幼兒教顧服務,包括增加幼兒中心的名額和長全日的學額分配,以分擔家庭育兒壓力,增加生育意願,亦可讓婦女放心投身職場以減輕家庭經濟壓力。長遠而言,商界亦應普及家庭友善僱傭措施,減少女性在就業與照顧子女之間的拉扯,共同應對本港低生育率及勞動力萎縮的情況。」   建議   (一)增加日間幼兒照顧服務名額   本港的幼兒中心為3歲以下幼兒提供日間照顧服務,惟當中2歲以下的服務名額一直遠低於本港相應歲數的幼兒,每40名幼兒僅得1個名額,部分家長甚至需要跨區託兒。以本會屬下五間嬰兒園爲例,共提供329個服務名額,但輪候服務人數近1,500人。   在2023年4月至12月,全港資助幼兒中心總服務名額約9,000個,其中資助獨立幼兒中心的平均使用率則長期保持在95%高水平。另一方面,資助幼兒中心及幼稚園暨幼兒中心提供受資助的暫託幼兒服務及延長時間服務,兩個服務的平均使用率卻分別只有51%和39%。   因此,政府需要繼續增加日間幼兒照顧服務的名額,尤其是幼兒中心2歲以下的服務名額。當局亦需加強宣傳暫託幼兒、延長時間及學前兒童課餘託管等服務,著力提高其認知度和使用率,讓更多有需要的家庭得到適切的支援。   (二)加強宣傳長全日制幼兒學校的好處   長全日制幼兒學校(每天上午8時至傍晚6時,每星期 5.5 天)除了為幼兒設計以幼兒全面發展為核心的課程,亦提供輔助服務,包括延長時間服務(可照顧兒童至最遲晚上8時)、暫託幼兒服務和兼收服務等。長全日制幼兒學校為幼兒提供照顧和教育服務,分擔家長的壓力,支持雙職家長兼顧工作和家庭,對加強生育二胎的意欲及釋放婦女勞動力有莫大幫助。   然而,在2023-24年度參加學前教育學券計劃/幼稚園教育計劃的學前教育學額中,「長全日制」學額僅佔整體學額的17.5%,「全日制」(每天上午9時至下午4時半,每星期 5天)學額亦只佔整體21.8%。本會建議政府增加長全日制學前教育的學額分配,方能配合社會雙職家庭的實際需要。   (三)全日制和長全日制幼兒學校納入15年免費教育   政府推行的15年免費教育,其中半日制幼稚園獲全面資助,全日制和長全日制幼兒學校則只分別獲得半日制單位資助額的30%及60%的額外資助(在2023/24年度,半日制、全日制及長全日制的資助額分別為每名學童每年38,170元、49,620元及61,070元)。   在2023/24年度,參與幼稚園計劃的372間全日制幼稚園和243間長全日制幼兒學校中,分別有349間和232間幼稚園和幼兒學校在接受資助後仍收取學費,當中全年學費中位數分別為9,600元和13,300元,最高學費則分別達28,100元和29,300元。   本會建議政府將全日制和長全日制幼兒學校納入全面資助範圍,同時將兩者學位優先分配給單親和雙職家庭。這可以讓父母放心外出工作,又能保障基層學童入讀全日制和長全日制幼兒學校的權利。   (四)兒童醫療券   政府可參考長者醫療券的運作模式,增設「兒童醫療券」,每年注資指定金額,減輕育兒家庭的經濟負擔,同時確保兒童能適時就醫。   (五)社會共同推行家庭友善僱傭措施   本會建議政府考慮將產假及侍產假延長,讓父母能協力照顧初生嬰兒,從而減輕母親因壓力和疲勞而產生的身心健康問題。同時,政府可參考內地、台灣、新加坡等鄰近地區增設「父母育兒假」和「家庭假」,讓家長可以照顧孩子和處理與子女有關的事項,以鼓勵企業跟隨執行。其中「父母育兒假」指父母在子女年滿3歲以前,每年各享一定日數的全薪育兒假(例如内地的父母育兒假為每年10日)。   政府亦可向僱主提供稅務寬減、津貼等誘因,以鼓勵僱主推行彈性工作時間等家庭友善僱傭措施,協助家長在工作和家庭之間取得平衡。
“Inter-professional Support for Family Caregivers” Seminar
The HKSPC Child Safeguarding Academy “Inter-professional Support for Family Caregivers” seminar was successfully held on July 4, 2024. The event has attracted over 80 social workers, teachers and parents from HKSPC and outside HKSPC. Speakers have shared their inspirational insights on exploring the needs of caregivers from sectors of child education, family support and social enterprises, and how caregivers can obtain social resources.   Four speakers include Ms. Yonnie Lam, Service Director (Nursery School) of HKSPC, Ms. Cheng Yin Ping, Senior Social Work Supervisor of Caritas Rehabilitation Service, Mr. Verdi Lai, Coordinating Secretary of Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, as well as Mr. Ringle Leung, Founder of HealthyMind Parents Academy.   Ms. Mary Wong, Deputy Director (Child Care & Education) of HKSPC expressed her warm welcome during the opening speech, saying that the Society will continue creating a nurturing environment and to promote the well-being of children, demonstrating our slogan “Happy Childhoods Uplift Us All.”                             The seminar consisted of four sessions. By sharing their professional knowledge, personal experiences, life examples and case analyses, four speakers discussed with participants how to establish a safe attachment relationship with their children, support for parents who have children with special needs, career development for caregivers, and tips for improving family happiness.   We sincerely hope that this seminar can promote cooperation between different social welfare sectors, educational institutions and parents. Everyone can contribute to bring happiness to more families and children in the community.  
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Joint Graduation Ceremony of Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Nursery Schools 2023-2024
On June 27, 2024, the “Joint Graduation Ceremony of Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Nursery Schools 2023-2024” successfully concluded amidst applause and cheers at Sha Tin Town Hall.   Professor The Hon CHEUNG Kin- Chung, Matthew GBM, GBS, JP; Former Chief Secretary for Administration, Hong Kong SAR Government; Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong officiated at the ceremony, together with Mr. Vincent Lee, Chairman of HKSPC Executive Committee, Ms. Subrina Chow, Director of HKSPC, as well as Ms. Yada Wuthinitikornkit, Member of HKSPC Fund Raising Committee, presenting graduation certificates to 461 graduates, witnessing the unforgettable moment filled with joy and celebration.   This year, the theme of our Joint Graduation Ceremony was "Brighten children’s future together." Mr. Vincent Lee wished the graduates a fulfilling primary school life. He promised that HKSPC would continue to promote childhood wellbeing, ensuring every child who comes to the Society builds happy memories.   Addressing the graduation ceremony, Professor the Hon CHEUNG Kin- Chung wished graduates to be responsible students who can be courageous in trying new things, and face challenges with a cheerful outlook. He complimented the nursery schools on their experiential learning and free play, which effectively stimulate students with curiosity, exploration, and self-directed learning. He also praised our gala show performed by our graduates, as the most splendid performance among the graduation ceremonies he has attended over the past 25 years, which is indeed a great honour for the Society.   During the ceremony, graduates expressed their gratitude to their alma mater and parents through speeches and singing the graduation song. Graduates’ representatives then presented handmade light clay souvenirs to officiating guests as a token of gratitude on behalf of all graduates.   Near the end of the ceremony, all graduates presented a spectacular finale performance, presenting the 24 solar terms through various forms such as drama, music, and dance, combined with different talent performances, winning applause from parents and guests alike. The performance not only demonstrated the students' confidence and vitality but also allowed parents to witness their children's growth throughout their four years at nursery schools.   As the four-year school life comes to an end, HKSPC sincerely wishes each graduate the best on their upcoming new journey. We will continue to create environments where children can explore, discover, and develop their full potential, ensuring every child who comes to HKSPC builds happy memories that last a lifetime.
圖二: 香港保護兒童會大型遊戲日Mega Play Date 2024 「玩出快樂童年」執行委員會、籌款委員會、管理層及一衆表演學生合照。 (1)
大型遊戲日Mega Play Date 2024 「玩出快樂童年」
本會一直致力促進幼兒福祉,以成就更和諧幸福的社會。為了讓兒童能盡情自由遊戲,留下更多愉快回憶,保會疫情後首次舉辦大型遊戲日Mega Play Date 2024,今天的活動吸引逾二千名兒童及家長參與。   今次遊戲日的主題是「玩出快樂童年」,透過超過30個親子工作坊和攤位遊戲,例如親子共讀、幼兒運動、充氣彈床、面部彩繪、圖工製作和家長按摩,涵蓋語言、藝術、運動、音樂及感知探索等範疇,讓孩子盡情玩樂,亦鼓勵家庭成員之間互動合作,加強彼此溝通及增進親子關係。   大會邀得油尖旺民政事務專員余健強太平紳士、油尖旺區議會議員李思敏,以及油尖旺區議會議員李家軒,聯同本會執行委員會主席李永誠先生和總幹事周舜宜女士擔任開幕典禮主禮嘉賓,為Mega Play Date揭開序幕。   香港保護兒童會執行委員會主席李永誠先生表示:「保會的使命是為兒童和家庭提供全面照顧和支援,促進幼兒福祉和發展。我們深信兒童有幸福快樂的童年,對他們的長遠發展尤其重要,是整個社會幸福的基礎。今日舉行的大型遊戲日旨在為兒童及家長提供一個可以一起遊玩,增進彼此交流的機會,因爲幸福快樂的童年始於良好的親子關係。」   保會亦趁著今天的活動,向公衆展示過去一年品牌重塑工作的成果。揮別使用了近百年背著小孩、穿木屐的女孩,為新面貌揭幕:一個充滿色彩的笑臉漣漪。李永誠先生說:「新標誌設計的靈感源自在水面向外蕩開的一圈圈漣漪。歡欣的笑臉體現本會讓每個孩子都得到快樂童年的承諾,把兒童福祉放在首位,確保每一個孩子都得到愛與關懷。」   新品牌短語 ──「快樂童年眾幸福」,強調兒童與社會密不可分的關係,因爲社會是由人和家庭組成,而快樂童年是幸福人生的基石。當兒童擁有快樂童年,這份幸福感能促使他們長大後回饋社會,用生命影響生命。   是次品牌重塑計劃反映保會與時並進的精神,持續進步以適應瞬息萬變的社會步伐。保會將繼續與政府和社會各界包括關愛隊、地區組織等緊密合作,一同實踐本會倡導幼兒福祉的使命。
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Events of the year: Autumn Dinner and Flag Day – Kowloon Region 2023
Two major fundraising activities of the year – Autumn Dinner and “HKSPC Flag Day – Kowloon Region” were held on 23rd September and 28th October respectively and concluded successfully. The raised funds will be used on our various services to support thousands of local children and families, fulfilling the mission of “Child Safeguarding”. Autumn Dinner HKSPC’s Fund Raising Committee held the Autumn Dinner on 23rd September (Saturday) at HKGTA Town Club. 70 guests joined the evening event to enjoy delicious food and play games, all for a great cause. With 100% of the wines and lucky draw prizes generously sponsored, all proceeds go to our 2 Children and Family Services Centres to support their daily operation and to start a Sensory Play Project for infants and young children. Guests had a delightful and delicious time with their friends. Children from our Children and Family Services Centre brought solo piano performances to the guests to raise funds for the service. HKSPC Flag Day – Kowloon Region 2023 The HKSPC Flag Day was held again in Kowloon Region on 28th October (Saturday), 5 years after the last event. We are delighted to be backed by 3,000 enrolled flag-selling volunteers from different corporations, organizations, primary and secondary schools, as well as students and parents from HKSPC’s various service units. We also received support from organisations in the forms of internal fundraisers and direct donations. The 2 Children and Family Services Centres that will benefit from this Flag Day provide much-needed services for working parents. Without direct subvention from the government, their operation relies on the support of the community. Many students and parents of HKSPC’s Nursery Schools joined as volunteers to support our services. Parents and children work together seamlessly to sell the flags. Ms. Subrina Chow, HKSPC’s Director, participated as a flag-selling volunteer as well. Many secondary and primary schools supported the event. We would like to extend our appreciation to all the participating schools and student volunteers. Every flag sold by our volunteers represents the blessing and kindness extended by the donors. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to the organizations which allowed us to sell flags within their premises; banks which allowed us to use their branches as flag bag collection depots; enthusiastic volunteers who devoted their time and effort; and every donor for their benevolent contribution. All of the good deeds and charitable acts enable us to continue enriching the lives of children under our care for a brighter tomorrow. Your generous donation and sponsorship offer support and resources to the children and families in need, allowing us to further serve the community. For any enquiry, please call us at 2396 0264 or email
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New Chairman of HKSPC Executive Committee
Dear Friends, I am honoured to have served the Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children (HKSPC) since 2013 and chaired its Management Committee for the last two years. At the Executive Committee (ExCo) meeting of December 7, I was elected the new Chairman for a two-year term. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our immediate past ExCo Chairman, Mr. Robin Hammond, for driving and leading many changes in HKSPC in these exceptional times. My gratitude also goes to Mr. Timothy Lam, Jr., who just stepped down as President of HKSPC, and Mr. Peter Wong, who will shortly step down as Chairman of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, for their remarkable work and foresight. Change to Improve Rebuilding the Children’s Residential Home (CRH) is the top priority for HKSPC. There is no doubt that we disappointed our service users, donors, friends and supporters over the CRH incident. We are profoundly sorry for what happened. Since then, HKSPC has been wholeheartedly striving for long-lasting changes at the CRH, as well as strengthening the governance, management and workings of the Society more generally. Our work has been guided by three simple beliefs: Better care for children in need Looking after our employees Good governance to sustain what we do To date, CRH has made substantial progress. We have added new Child Care Workers to improve the day-time staff to child ratio to 1:5, well above the regulatory minimum of 1:8. We have implemented a new educare model to better nurture our children. We have set aside additional resources to ensure adequate training for our staff in the CRH. We have installed a full-time Child Safeguarding Consultant, the first among local NGOs, who reports independently to the Director and a designated member of our ExCo, who is herself an experienced pediatrician, on issues relating to child protection. At the Society level, we carried out a review of the employment terms and conditions of our staff and have made adjustments to ensure that we stay competitive in attracting and retaining talents. We are about to embark on a digitalisation programme to upgrade our IT systems for greater efficiency. We have established the Risk Management, Compliance and Internal Audit Department to be more forward-looking on risk matters and a whistleblowing policy to put a stop to unacceptable behaviour. These are just some of the positive changes we have introduced in the last two years. We are committed to listening and being responsive to our employees’ concerns. Planning for the Future We will be front-footed in planning our child care services and empowering our employees. We will ensure that our staff are properly prepared for the new regime on mandatory reporting of child abuse. We are planning for HKSPC to be in a position to better support the Government’s objectives, as set out in the Chief Executive’s 2023 Policy Address, to support families with newborns, assist working families in childbearing, and promote family education. We will announce new / enhanced services in due course. A Strong Culture for Growth A key foundation for our future development is the cultivation of an inclusive, open and performance-based culture at HKSPC. Better connection with and between our staff to build a common purpose and promoting lifelong learning for them is key. The recent founding of the HKSPC Child Safeguarding Academy will support meeting this objective. I have been visiting our service units to meet colleagues, whom I encourage to come forward with new ideas as we continue to review and put in place measures to reinforce a strong and positive culture in the Society. Thank You All I want to sincerely thank our friends and supporters for their unwavering belief in the mission of the Society, and our staff for their steadfast commitment to serving children, particularly those from an underprivileged background and those with special education needs. The Society will collaborate closely with the Government, professionals from various sectors including social work and education, community leaders, donors, and other stakeholders to do a better job. Our goal is to share our beliefs and experiences in sustaining a child safeguarding culture, and to foster a community that cares for children and families. We are fast approaching the centenary of HKSPC in 2026. Few institutions enjoy such a long and distinguished history. We are committed to the core values that have sustained the Society for nearly a century and would ensure that, going forward, they are always reflected in our services. We must also be forward looking. As the new Chairman of HKSPC, I will uphold the faith of past ExCo Chairmen and members and persevere in leading the Society forward to be more proactive in engaging with the community and the people we serve. I look forward to writing the next chapter of the HKSPC story together with you! As the year will soon come to a close, I would like to extend my warmest wishes to all of you, your family and loved ones. Best wishes, Vincent Lee Chairman of Executive Committee