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Six Months into the CNOPE Reform Project, HKSPC’s Children’s Residential Home Embraces New Culture

(29 September 2022, Hong Kong) The Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children (HKSPC) was delighted to receive visitors from the Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Welfare Services and Executive Council (ExCo) to its Children’s Residential Home (CRH) on 28 September 2022 and today respectively for a first-hand feel of the change introduced at the home since March under the stewardship of the Council of Non-profit Making Organisations for Pre-primary Education (CNOPE), piloting the CARE model with improved staffing ratio. Visitors were briefed on the latest operation at CRH, and taken around the facility to interact with the children and their carers. HKSPC took the opportunity to also update the visitors on other initiatives undertaken to strengthen management and governance (see attached Implementation Update).

The visitors met the new Management team including but not limited to the Deputy Director (Child Care & Education), CRH Superintendent, and the Child Safeguarding Consultant, whose job is to single-mindedly ground and sustain a child-centric culture in CRH and across the Society.

The CRH Revamp Project is part of the Society’s Change to Improve initiative in response to the recommendations of the First Interim Report of the Independent Review Committee. The Society is committed to sustaining the mission-driven culture under the new leadership, new frontline team, enhanced systems and mechanisms, as well as reinforced, continuous communication and in particular internal engagement. (Ends)

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