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《Prestige》: Little Artists’ Imaginations Shine in Charity Exhibition Opening

The Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children (HKSPC) unveiled a celebration of childhood essence: Play at the Phillips Auction at the West Kowloon Cultural District. The second Little Artist Charity Exhibition and Award radiated an air of playful creativity, where art joined hands with philanthropy and imagination danced with purpose. 


This year’s theme, “Draw a Happy Childhood,” saw 63 colourful creations by 107 young visionaries aged one to 15 on their interpretation of “play”. From oil paintings to sculptures and photography, the exhibition did not limit mediums and was a true testament to the unbounded imagination of young children. The exhibition was held at Phillips Auction from December 8-10, with the pieces being displayed online from December 10 onwards. Money raised from this event will go towards renovating the HKSPC centre playground and other play-based programmes.


Officiated by Ms. Katherine Kung, Ms. Amy Chan, My Grace Ko and Ms. Sara Mao, the opening ceremony marked two days of an inspiring exhibition and artworks. Esteemed Judges including Mr. Evan Chow, Mrs. Lorraine Malingue, Ms. Yvonne Fong and Ms. Jacqueline Chow showed their artistic eye to award categories under “Most Playful Piece”, “Most Environmentally Piece”, “Most Colourful Piece” and “Most Interesting Composition”. 


With over HK$700,000 raised to date, this charitable effort promises not just to improve the wellbeing of the children of Hong Kong through play but to also renew spaces in order to foster creativity and imagination in children’s lives. 


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