- Head Office
- Centre for Child Enlightenment
- Children and Family Services Centres
- Children's Residential Home
- Day Crèches
- Nursery Schools
- S.T.E.A.M. for Children Wonderland
Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children SIA Whampoa Nursery School
Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Portland Street Nursery School
Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Park’N Shop Staff Charitable Fund Nursery School
Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Mr & Mrs Thomas Tam Nursery School
Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Ma Tau Chung Nursery School
Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Hong Kong Bank Foundation Nursery School
Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Cheung Sha Wan Nursery School
Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children The Jockey Club Hok Sam Nursery School
Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Sze Wu Shu Min Nursery School
Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Sham Tseng Nursery School
Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Operation Santa Claus Fanling Nursery School
Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Ocean Shores Nursery School
Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Lam Woo Nursery School